The Life You're Made For with Dr. Heather Penny

Aging vs Saging with Stephanie Nelson

Heather Penny / Stephanie Nelsonq Season 3 Episode 7

Do you ever feel like it's too late to live the life you were made for? Recently I spoke about aging with my new friend Stephanie Nelson, host of the Pivotal People Podcast. We kept circling around the idea of Aging vs Saging. Our culture likes to tell us that getting older means it's all down hill from here. But, what if we considered another approach to aging? What if we valued how the years are turning us into sages?  Could we bring our experience and wisdom to bear to lift people up?  Everyone has a dream and purpose. How can we become pivotal people in others' lives to help them live the life they were made for?

Visit Stephanie Online:
Follow Stephanie on Instagram: @stephanie_nelson_cm

Step into The Life You're Made For, I'm cheering you on!
Music by Jason Squires
Production by Cody Vermillion